
Church & Topic-Based Assessments

Gain Insight Into Your People

Free, easy-to-deploy Barna assessments enable you to know the unique strengths and needs of your congregants and community as you plan for the future. Access more than 20 Barna assessments, including the premier ChurchPulse assessment, with a free Barna Access account.

Church Pulse Assessment

  • Understand where your church and congregants are strong and where there are opportunities for growth

Mental Health Pulse Assessment

  • Check in on the mental health of your people, and get key metrics on your church and community with this customizable tool

Sharing Jesus Assessment

  • See how equipped your people feel to share their faith with others, and discover if this is something they’re actively engaging in now

I am convinced that effective leadership will require even better ways of hearing from people. It is so easy as church leaders to rely on assumptions or muscle memory or a few anecdotes. Leaders need a new way to measure a church’s influence on people’s whole lives, not just the Sunday morning context. Innovations in technology have allowed us to gather data and glean insights in ways never before possible.

David Kinnaman

CEO, Barna Group


Sometimes we pastors do a great job of fixing the wrong problem. For me, the experience of polling our people and getting feedback from them helps me make sure that, at the end of the day, I am zeroing in on the real problems. I am a big believer in deploying assessments and listening to your congregation. And these assessments are free! I can’t find the downside to that!

Randy Frazee

Senior Pastor, Westside Family Church


For a few decades now, we’ve been saying that we need to change the scorecard in church. We need to expand it. For me, I’m concerned about what life transformation looks like. How are people doing with Biblical discernment? Are they growing in Biblical knowledge that leads to spiritual action and missional activity? These are the kinds of metrics we need to track in the next era of the Church - things that are going to get us there with mature congregations of disciples on mission, impacting the world.

Ed Stetzer

Author, Speaker


I realized that if I wanted to move my church forward, I needed to understand where my church was. I was able to survey our congregants and find out where they are in the spectrum of so many things, including whether they knew the Great Commission and how they felt about missions as a whole.

Toni Mihal

Missions Director, Church on the Ridge

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