To Obtain Copyright Permission
All information contained on this website – including but not limited to online reports, graphics, articles, data and press releases – is the property of Barna Group, Ltd. of Ventura, California. None of the online information may be used without following the guidelines listed below. (NOTE: These guidelines apply to online information and books, but do not apply to other Barna resources – such as reports, videos, audios or diagnostics. For permission to use any information contained in those formats, please contact the Permissions Department directly at
1. If you are quoting or referring to Barna Group information in a public presentation or worship service.
You do not have to obtain verbal or written permission to use that information. However, you must mention in that presentation that the information came from Barna Group. If a handout or PowerPoint is used for that public presentation, the reference should include the company name (Barna Group) and website address (
2. If you want to make copies of any Barna Group online article or information.
You may make a total of one hundred (100) copies of that item directly from our website without obtaining permission from Barna Group. You must not alter the printed information in any way, and the website address must be clearly visible on all copies of that report or other information. If you wish to make more than one hundred (100) copies, you must obtain written permission from Barna Group, Permissions Department. Please include a description of your intended use of the copies.
3. If you are quoting or referring to Barna Group information in a thesis, dissertation or school paper of any sort.
You do not have to obtain formal verbal or written permission to use the information unless it is being published. However, you must mention in citation that the information came from Barna Group. If a handout or PowerPoint is used for public presentation, the reference should include the company name (Barna Group) and website address (
4. For all other uses OR if you would like to use Barna data or information in a book or resource that is intended for re-sale.
You must make that request, in writing, to the Permissions Department.
You can do this by sending your request via one of the following methods:
-MAIL: 1300 Eastman Ave Suite 203 Ventura, CA 93003 United States
- Please include:
- Contact information: Must include your name, title, phone number and e-mail address. Include the date permission is needed by.
- Background information: About your company or organization, along with organization name and contact info.
- A written explanation of your intended use of the information.
- The item you wish to cite: Please specify the name, date it was released and whether it is an online or print publication.
- A copy of the “full” article, story or chapter in which Barna Group information will be used.
- (If applicable) Number of copies expected to be sold or distributed (e.g., the circulation of your magazine, the number of books expected to be printed, etc.)
Upon our receipt of your written request and accompanying materials, please allow ten to twelve business days for us to review your request.
Thank you for your compliance with these guidelines.
Barna Group
Permissions Department
1300 Eastman Ave
Suite 203
Ventura, CA 93003
United States
Telephone: 805.585.7652