
Jul 1, 2015

From the Archives

Wonder Women

You don’t need to have “it all.”

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There is a new reality for women in the 21st century—it’s a different world with different goals than it was even a generation ago. As little girls, today’s women didn’t grow up with only dolls and toy kitchens and princesses and visions of idyllic domesticity and motherhood behind a white picket fence. They were given these, but also given a little plastic doctor’s bag and a coloring book full of potential careers to choose from.

“You can be anything you want, child.” It’s a message of empowerment and it’s beautiful. But, as many of those young girls grew up, a message that was once meant to convey opportunity has begun to feel like a pressure cooker. What once was “You can have it all” has now become “You need to have it all.” You need to have the perfect job, the perfect husband, the perfect house, the perfect kids, the perfect play dates and craft nights and date nights and DIY Pinterest projects and #nofilter Instagrams.

What does it mean to be a woman in a world like that? Where does vocation fit into all this? What does a holistic idea of self mean? Many women struggle with the decision to work inside the home or outside the home. How can you maintain a sense of self and motherhood in both decisions? The reality is we can’t really have it all—sometimes we have to make choices. This Barna Frame explores the value and beauty in those constraints.

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Since 1984, Barna Group has conducted more than two million interviews over the course of thousands of studies and has become a go-to source for insights about faith, culture, leadership, vocation and generations. Barna is a private, non-partisan, for-profit organization.

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