

Pastoral Burnout: What Causes It and 3 Ways to Avoid It

Free Webinar for Canadian Pastors

November 15 - 01:00 PM EST

Registration closed


Whether you’re a senior pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor or serve anywhere in the church, burnout is a real and pervasive challenge with the demands of ministry.

This webinar dives into the root causes of ministry burnout and provide practical strategies to help pastors and church leaders prevent it. In it, you’ll hear from a panel of guests about the underlying factors that contribute to pastoral burnout, as well as gain valuable research insights about the unique stressors faced by pastors.

In partnership with World Vision, Global Leadership Network, Canadian Church Leadership Network and Alpha Canada.


Glenn Packiam

  • Lead Pastor of Rockharbor Church in Costa Mesa, California, Author, Speaker

Jason Ballard

  • Church planter and pastor of the Way Church in Vancouver, Canada. Assisted in creation of Alpha Youth Series.


Rob Nylen

  • Senior Pastor at RiverCross Church, Saint John NB

Rev. Milissa Ewing

  • Lead Pastor of Redwood Park Church

Rev. Ted Tham

  • Lead Pastor of English Ministry at GCGCNY

In partnership with